Five Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas for Businesses

Five Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas for Businesses who wish to make it Big!

With the upcoming month making an entry into some of the important events like Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday, chances are you may scale-up your businesses to a level unimagined for. Seasonal marketing strategies are what we will focus on in this section to help you leverage businesses to a profitable category. Here are some interesting facts to read:


  1. The Power of Social Media 


Update your social media accounts by creating smart posts and showcase logos of your brands using affordable photo-editing tools like the Canva and PicMonkey to promote special events and seasons. Updating your profile pictures with seasonal items like leaves, a pumpkin, turkeys, etc., will not just buy you views from the followers who you were associated with a few years back but can also help you connect with them for repeat-business.


  1. HashTags Work Well


Hashtags play a pivotal role in engaging your followers across all social media platforms. Show a personalized touch while reaching out to the followers. Encourage them to share their favorite Thanksgiving memory (#thanksgivingthoughts) or maybe you could add a funny element to the hashtags by asking them their biggest Thanksgiving disaster (thxbutnothx) or (Thanksgivingnightmares).


  1. Bridge-Gaps with Thank-You Notes


We often don’t get to meet our potential customers in person or even talk to them on the phone. Sending them a short thank you note on the phone will help you bridge gaps and strengthen bonds for future business prospects.


  1. Live Demos on Themed Events


If you’re a small business entity let’s say for example you sell ‘greeting cards,’ hosting live demos on “how to create?” Thanksgiving or Black Friday cards will help you get closer to your customers in a big way. This is a great way to market your brand as visual live demos connect better than anything else.


  1. The “Give-Away” Trick  


Customers are always on the lookout for deals and offers by businesses and what could be more propelling than planning give-away items on account of special events like Thanksgiving. You could always give-away free product samples or services to increase your followers and establish a strong customer base across the globe.


So, let this November win you good market base across your niche and help you establish a brand image that you were aiming at all these years.

facebook messenger

Brands Get Better Connectivity with Customers with Facebook Messenger’s 3 new Feature Launch

Amidst all the social media hustle Facebook recently launched three new features for Messenger to keep brands well connected to their customers and establish a strong user base worldwide. To make communication more viable the three new features included are “icebreakers” for maintaining business profiles, “Click to Messenger ads” updates, and replying to messages from a business that comes handy for the users.


Icebreakers – Help Brands to Reduce Friction While Communicating with Clients

Sources at Facebook say that “Icebreakers help businesses reduce friction in starting a conversation by surfacing common questions or topics of interest.” Explaining the feature more, it offers users the option to click on a common FAQ — like “Can I check the availability of the product?” or “Where is your store located?” the messages sent will receive an automated response.


Click to Messenger Ads 

This particular feature is good for companies having multiple Facebook apps connected to the Messenger platform. How? Well, the idea behind this feature is to give leverage to companies to select a single app at a time, which they want to use for their “Click to Messenger ads” feature. However, there is no official announcement as yet by the company about when would the complete thing be available, but said the “first phase” of the solution is available with an improved platform in some weeks from now.


Users Enjoy Multiple Reply Options

The last and an equally important feature from Facebook Messenger are reactions and message replies, which enable users to take advantage of during conversations with brands while communicating with them on the Messenger platform. So, if you might be wondering what these reactions are, this nothing but a set of emojis, which are used to react to a response from any business.

In conclusion to this, the message replies also allow for threaded conversations to help businesses overview the exact message a user is responding to. Facebook writes “This adds more clarity to the conversations and helps businesses respond to inquiries better.”

Facts on How to Advertise on Tik Tok

Facts on How to Advertise on Tik Tok

While most of the marketers are awaiting Tik Tok’s full launch of the platform for more ad options to connect to the users worldwide, it’s rapidly growing market in the west shows uncertain prospects for many. However, could Tik Tok be a possible social media marketing platform is still under several notions? Nevertheless, some facts will enlighten you about how to advertise businesses on Tik Tok:


Bid for Ads


Talking about biddable ads, most of the social media networks have a self-serve platform that allows the marketers to set-up and run their ads themselves. In the case of Tik Tok’s beta version that was launched early on in April 2019, the “managed service platform” did bring biddable ads space to the limelight but still required reps to run the ads. This is why users cannot still access its bidding platform as a whole.


The in-feed video ads on Tik Tok are based on three important products including CPC (Cost per Click), CPM, and CPV (cost per view) (6 seconds), which marketers look forward to branding businesses on this platform. Below are a few things that provide an overview of how it is done.


Branding through Videos


When a user opens the app, the message of your brand appears instantly appears focusing on the message that you wish to spread to reach out to the users. However, the con behind this part is that Tik Tok allows only one advertiser per day, which needs to be optimized for a full swing.


Hashtag Challenge 


This is yet another way to advertise on Tik Tok that flaunts the natural tendency of the users to share the content on it. This accounts for Tik Tok’s representative to coordinate with the brand for around 6 days until the ad campaign comes to a completion.


No matter what Tik Tok has in store for its millions of users across the globe, it surely has bright prospects for social media marketers to use it as a strong tool.

Performance Analysis on Local Search

Service Area Businesses – Performance Analysis on Local Search

Any legitimate local business that has a great reputation in the local area to not appear on the local search is not a rare thing. This happens due to Google’s unfair ranking game that appears on the local listings. As per market statistics, the service area businesses are categorized into seven verticals including business entities doing repairs, plumbing, construction & roofing jobs, landscaping, cleaning, locksmiths, and tradesmen. Each of these vertical doesn’t account for the appearances in organic SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Therefore, it undergoes two methods of direct search and discovery searches so that the business appears in Google’s local search.

There is a tremendous increase in the direct searches for businesses listed in the above-mentioned categories as compared to the discovery searches. People tend to search for only plumbers or locksmiths and that too during emergencies, so, naturally, they would hardly build any physical presence online to lead to consumers knowing directly who to turn to.


Are Consumers Seeking Service Area Businesses on Google Maps?

Well, despite a low viewership percentage, it is astonishing that consumers do look out for service area businesses on Google Maps. This happens due to the consumer’s sole belief to locate service-area businesses with ease, one need to search for the proximities. Let’s explain it through two overviews:


Views on Search: A business is found by the customer via Google Search that consists of local pack results from search.


Views on Maps:  In here, a customer found the business via Google Maps.

So what is that causes service-area businesses still lagging when it comes to the local searches apart from the infrequency of use? There may be endless reasons for this notion but the most important one is the fact that service area businesses haven’t yet optimized themselves on the search engines.


Measures Taken for Service Area Businesses to Appear on Local Searches

  • Use Google My Business to optimize your businesses on local search listings.
  • Asking for reviews about your business will help gain online visibility in no time.
  • FAQs about your services in Google My Business Q&A’s would help to reach out to maximum customers while building a strong customer base.
App Store Optimization - Ogrelogic

Improve the Visibility of your Apps with ASO (App Store Optimization)

Gaining visibility of your mobile app is difficult as millions of apps struggle to make their mark on the popular app stores (like iTunes, Google Play, and Windows Store) for the iOS and Android platforms. The mobile app publishers often face challenges to optimize mobile apps on the popular app searches and therefore, seek efficient solutions to overcome such barriers. ASO or App store optimization is the key to build a strong marketing presence of your mobile apps in the competitive business world.


How ASO Works?


If you aren’t aware of how app store optimization works, the foremost thing you need to understand is that marketing experts focus on generating increased ROI from app stores, and ASO offers leverage to mobile apps to scale new heights in the online business market. The app rankings, however, are based on the user-value signals like (reviews, ratings, and engagement) or brand scale to give a transparent picture.


Advantages of ASO on the overall scalability of the Apps include:


  • Brands experience strong online exposure while reaching out to maximum customers.
  • With positive apps reviews and ratings, the rank of your app is likely to improve with more and more users installing it on their mobile consoles.
  • Engage audience to the apps.
  • Acts as an additional marketing channel that makes brands efficient to search for more business prospects.


When it comes to the key ingredient missing from many ASO marketing delivery approaches, it is the organic search optimization process that is integrated at the app stores within the closed boundaries of the marketing world.

Some more facts about ASO and how it is beneficial for the mobile apps to make a strong marketing presence of its own:


  • The keyword triggers are used by App stores to ensure you do thorough research on the best keywords to use and optimize it at regular intervals.


  • The kind of product page that you’re present about the app store has a big impact on the conversion rate values.
Branded Vs. Unbranded Search - Ogrelogic

Branded Vs. Unbranded Search – An Analysis

While we understand how to rank websites for both branded and unbranded terms it is important to first know about the significance of organic search for the marketers. Marketers believe to build a domain authority that helps them capture the share of search online. But is it the only thing to keep everything transparent? Not really. As per statistics, Google conducts approximately 3.5 billion searches daily. However, the challenge comes in when a marketer has to figure out ways about where the customers will most likely to search for unbranded versus branded keywords.


Ranking in the top-notch search engines like Google is no game as it depends on the businesses how well are they educated about the trending SEO techniques. To talk about branded and unbranded searches, both play an important role in any business to play safely while establishing themselves as brands.


Unbranded Search Results find you New Businesses


When we say an unbranded keyword search, we are referring to search terms that do not belong to any established brand. The keywords are used to search for results are generic. For example, a Google search for “Best restaurants with parking Facility” or “Schools with Experiential Learning in NY” would provide potential results earning new business prospects.


As unbranded keywords are observed to show higher search volumes as compared to the branded ones, it is a great chance for budding entrepreneurs to identify their strengths in the form of keywords and sketch strategies helpful to earn you a rank.


Branded Keywords Re-generate Business


Coming to investing in the branded keywords has shown proven results where users know what they are looking for as compared to the unbranded searches that at times go in vain. Therefore, it makes sense to revise your paid search budget and focus on newer strategies that reap monetary benefits.


However, profitable business strategies depend on how you as an entrepreneur understand your customers as they now know what they’re searching for.

Learning Artificial Intelligence

Learning Artificial Intelligence for Brighter Business Prospects

If you’re seeking a business opportunity in AI (Artificial Intelligence) here are a few things that you must consider before getting started.


Your Competitors are Best Examples to Enhance AI Learning Process

You wouldn’t ask your peers directly to learn the basics of artificial intelligence but following the best practices that they’ve been pursuing will help you learn the technology. Search your competitor websites to find how they use artificial intelligence in their businesses. By doing so, you will be able to present a wider picture of how to go about implementing AI in your business model.


Why AI is Essential for Businesses?

AI can prove to be a profit reaping methodology for your business. The foremost use of AI is to improve the quality of communication with customers and helping them with efficient solutions to prosper in the competing business industry. Your AI can monitor the alerts provided for assessing various facets of the state of your business.


Do your Research Well before Exploring and Comparing the AI Vendors

Before comparing the vendors available online, you need to first plan a strategy for your own company and see if AI would fit in your business model efficiently. Following are few things that you should analyze before exploring and comparing more AI options:

  • Check for whether your existing business model is ready to develop new AI based initiatives.
  • Do you have AI proficient developers or experts who can initiate a plan and working AI model?
  • AI implementation requires a lot of time. Check for whether your existing business model has enough bandwidth to commence the AI process efficiently.


Keep yourself Updated of the Future AI Trends

Artificial Intelligence is a wide stream that has been evolving at a rapid pace. So, keeping in line with the upcoming trends including performance improvements, cloud computing, and advances in the AI techniques are important steps that will lead you to become an AI expert in the years to come.

Scale-up Rankings on Search Engines with Voice Search!

Scale-up Rankings on Search Engines with Voice Search!

Talking about ‘Voice Search’ in particular, there are ample speculations as to whether the fledgling technology is here to stay or would merely make a mark in the digital technology world. The views and perspectives are different and so is its understated nature. Taking statistics from the last few years, the use of voice search smart speakers has risen to a whopping 118 million in the US. However, this figure is growing by the day with changing trends in the technology world and an eagerness amongst the general public to access voice search smart devices in a few simple clicks.


Future of Voice Search!

In the current scenario, it has been observed that two in five adults in the US and globally make use of the voice search. As per the data provided by Google, around 20% of the search results come out to be voice searches. This indicates about the fact that businesses too can access potential customers using voice search technology to stay ahead of their peers and enjoy a number one spot in the competitive marketing industry.


Types of Voice Search

Voice search is primarily of two types. One that supports the smart speakers in the form of Google Home, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple home and the other in the form of apps for smartphones like Siri by Apple and Google Assistant for android platforms. Enabling search result accessibility with approximately 95% accuracy in the latest voice search consoles while performing daily activities smoothly and efficiently is what voice search environment offers businesses and to the public in general.

The market analysis done by many experts recently claims voice search to be the next generation technology environment that will boost the scalability of existing and new businesses to great leaps and bounds. Until then, let’s explore different realms of the technology vertical to transform it into a revolution amongst the fast-moving and challenging business world.

Services of digital Marketing

Things to Know Before Hiring Services of a Digital Marketing Agency

Every marketing agency works on a simple fundamental thing and that is to generate sales of any business entity. Whether big or small, the focus stays the same for all kinds of businesses. So, if you’re a budding entrepreneur and come across digital marketing agency offering marketing services for your business promotion, here is what you shouldn’t miss to check out on before you hire its services.

#Do your Homework

Researching well before you enter into any bond with a marketing firm is important. A good digital marketing agency would understand your business model before framing the right marketing strategy for its promotion. After all, it is the marketing agency that will take your business to the next level and therefore it should be well versed with all the latest marketing strategies to give businesses all that is required to generate sales.

Working on platforms like content marketing, video marketing or E-mail marketing, and PPC are few out of several areas a digital marketing firm works. If all this and more is taken care of, rest assure your business is in the right hands.

#Get Along with the Marketing Team

To get the maximum from a digital marketing company, get along with the marketing team well. They are the ones who would be responsible for promoting your services and gain a robust online presence. So, frequent meetings with the team would make you feel at comfort with their policies. It would also help the team to understand your perspective as a client while bringing in transparency at both ends.

#Value-for-Money Marketing Services Not Always the Best

Let us explain this with an example. Suppose, you’re business talks about selling mangoes in your area and the digital marketing agency you just hired for business promotion is spreading marketing campaigns in a foreign land where everyone loves to eat apples. What would be the ultimate end result? Obviously, it would be a failed marketing despite offering value-added deals. Bottom line, even if the marketing firm offers value-added services to its customers doesn’t really make it efficient and professional enough to get the desired results for your business.

So, the next time you plan to market your business keep all the above-mentioned points in mind and make the most of it. Happy marketing until then!


Target Wider Audience at Campaign Level with Multiple Languages Targeted Bing Ads

Few days ago, Bing Ads made an announcement stating that advertisers will now be able to target multiple languages at the ad campaign level. This is a helpful update for advertisers who are unable to target their audience globally because of language constraints.

Before this update, Bing Ads did support multiple language targeting but was limited just to the ad group level. This means that multiple languages targeting setting had to be carried to different ad groups. Which also means that these ad group settings were not in alignment with Google Ads and thereby, causing issues when those ad campaigns were imported from Google Ads to Bing Ads.

Now, advertisers can set up multiple languages targeting at campaign level, however, the setting can also be set up at ad group level which will override the campaign settings. In order to set up multiple languages targeting at campaign level, you can select any of the 12 supported languages in the campaign setting. You can then go into the ad group settings and select the option to use the campaign setting for language targeting. If you want to change language settings across multiple ad campaigns and ad groups, you can simply use the bulk editing in the web UI.

This is a great update and addition to Bing Ads as it will allow advertisers to target additional languages and users relying on these languages. This will lead to greater generation of impressions and expand reach. Here is a quick tip as this article wraps up, Bing Ads does not translate your ads and recommends to write your ads in the targeting language.

Social Media Optimization

Google Plus to Shut Down after Glitch Compromises 5 Hundred Thousand Accounts

The consumer version of Google+ is going to shut down for next 10 months as stated by blog post published by Google. The decision to shut down the social media platform was made after a security flaw exposed the data of about 5 hundred thousand users.

Google has also stated that Google+ has been experiencing low usage and engagement and about 90% of sessions do not last longer than 5 seconds. However, the company is still planning to keep the service running on enterprise level. Google wants to promote Google+ as ‘secure corporate social network’ and this ironically sounds odd because this announcement was made alongside the new of user data breach.

Additionally, Google also announced the new privacy adjustment it would be making for other services that it caters. There will API changes limiting developers’ access to data on Android devices and Gmail. The company also stated that the consumer version of Gmail will also witness some user data policy updates. This policy will limit other apps and their scope of access to user data.

Google came up with four findings and four action plans to remediate those findings:

  1. The company said that it would face significant challenges in creating and maintaining a successful Google+ product that would meet consumer expectations after the data breach. This is why the consumer version of Google+ is shutting down.
  2. Google also stated that consumers want good control over the data they share with third party apps. In order to accomplish this, Google is going to be launching more granular account permissions that will be showing individual dialog boxes.
  3. Google also made a point that when users grant access to their Gmail, they do so with certain use case in their mind and the company will be limiting the types of use cases that are permitted.
  4. Finally, the company listed that when users grant permissions to SMS, Contacts and Phone Android apps, they do so with a use case in mind. Google will limit the apps’ ability to receive call logs and SMS permissions on Android devices and contact interaction data will be unavailable via the Android Contacts API.
SEO Services

Will Mobile-first indexing change your rankings?

Everyone is talking about Mobile-first indexing and how it will change how sites appear in search results.

To make sense of what is happening, let’s look at the basics of search indexing and ranking and what it means in the context of mobile-first indexing.

Indexing and Ranking – Same or Different?

Search engines perform two tasks – indexing and ranking.

Think of indexing as placing books in an enormous library. So, a search engine indexing robot (read GoogleBot) visits and reads a page and stores that information in its index.

Once this is done, the search engine ‘evaluates’ the information that has been indexed and determines which web pages match the criteria according to the search query and other factors (such as device). Going back to our library analogy, ranking is like the librarian who recommends you titles based on your search criteria.

Will Mobile-first Indexing alter Ranking?

Based on what has been discussed above, Mobile-first indexing refers to the indexing function of the search engine and NOT ranking.

So, mobile-first does not necessarily mean much would change for many websites. All it means is that Google is now preferring to index the mobile version first.

If you are using responsive web design, you have nothing to worry because the content on mobile and desktop versions is most likely the same. However, if the mobile version of your web pages doesn’t match the desktop version, you may face issues.

Let’s take an example to illustrate what it means for websites.

Let’s say a business had kept the mobile content shorter than the desktop version to save mobile visitors the trouble of scrolling through lots of content. Now, mobile-first indexing has shifted the indexing to the mobile version, indexing the shorter-form content. For all search results, Google is now basing its decisions on the content in the index and that is the shorter-form mobile version! Google’s ranking factors are now applied to the shorter-form version which may not be as valuable in Google’s estimation, pulling your ranking down.

What does affect Google’s organic rankings is whether the query is made on a mobile device or desktop. That is partly due to Google ranking factors and penalties for mobile results, such as the intrusive interstitial penalty and page speed ranking. This wouldn’t likely change with mobile-first indexing since these factors or penalties affect ranking, not indexing.

If you are looking for an innovative digital marketing plan or developing a trustworthy reputation with a target audience, talk to Team OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas at 512-808-5536.

Mobile App Development

Alexa and Google Home won’t take away your regional accent

A recent survey by Life Science Centre in New Castle claimed that about 79% visitors who attended their “Robots – Then and Now” exhibition had to alter the way they spoke in order to be understood by the voice assistants, such as Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana.

These visitors were also reported to having regional British accent and their need to shift their accent in order to communicate with the voice assistants effectively.

It is important to understand that people with non-standard accent will have a harder time to communicate while interacting with smart assistant devices. Another issue people face while interacting with smart speakers is that speech technology seems to favor standard accents.

Even as humans we sometimes struggle to recognize where people are from based upon their accents alone and virtual assistant devices will also take time to gain that familiarity with regional accents.

People are worried that these virtual assistants will take away your regional assistant but we have to be realistic here. Interactions between humans and robots are not that frequent when compared to human-to-human interactions. Since our everyday talk is designed to communicate with other humans, a small change in the way we pronounce or our accents will not change our accents drastically. The only thing we might find ourselves doing more while interacting with virtual devices are raising or lowering our voices or enunciating more.

So, we have to stop fretting now. If you see the journey of virtual assistants to produce language, you can see that they have come a long way already and they will only improve going forward and possibly be able to understand regional accents.

Bing App

The New Bing App Solves Complex Mathematical Problems

Accept it or deny it, mathematical problems have always been our biggest fears when in school. The complex steps that we followed in order to solve a complex problem only left us overwhelmed. However, today a new app called Bing Search solves mathematical problems within seconds. What a lucky generation! You might think that it is cheating but the app also shows the logical steps that it took to come to the solution of an assigned problem.

The Microsoft Bing Search app has a unique math mode dedicated to solve mathematical problems. The app uses Microsoft’s AI and visual search technology to analyze a picture depicting the math problem and arrives to a solution.

Here are the simple steps that you can take to calculate a math problem using the Bing Search app:

  • Download and launch the Bing Search app for iOS on your iPhone or iPad.
  • When in app, tap the camera icon and select the math mode.
  • Focus the camera on the math problem that may either be on a paper, whiteboard or screen. The app is also capable of scanning printed, typed or handwritten equations.
  • The app detects the equation and calculates the answer within seconds. When the answer is displayed, you can scroll down to see the steps that the app took to come to the conclusion.

Currently, the Bing app is only available in the US and is expected to arrive to Android soon.

Mozilla accuses Google

Mozilla accuses Google of the “5X Difference”

Chris Peterson, a Technical Program manager at Mozilla tweeted on July 24th, 2018 that Google’s redesign has made YouTube slower on Firefox and Edge.

“YouTube page load is 5x slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome because YouTube’s Polymer redesign relies on the deprecated Shadow DOM v0 API only implemented in Chrome. You can restore YouTube’s faster pre-Polymer design with this Firefox extension:”

Peterson mentioned that YouTube loads only at one-fifth of the speed on browsers other than Chrome, due to its architecture – “YouTube serves a Shadow DOM polyfill to Firefox and Edge that is, unsurprisingly, slower than Chrome’s native implementation. On my laptop, initial page load takes 5 seconds with the polyfill vs 1 without. Subsequent page navigation perf is comparable.”

Peterson also recommended fixes for both, Mozilla’s browser, Firefox and Microsoft’s Edge to revert YouTube to a previous version using add-ons.

He noted that YouTube “still serves the pre-Polymer design” to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 11, which launched in 2013 and has been replaced by Edge, and suggests that Google could have taken the same approach with Edge and Firefox.

Although the API is part of a YouTube redesign that was done about a year ago, the problem hasn’t gone away. It also makes users think whether Google is swaying them to use more of its products. This also raises the issue of ‘Net neutrality’.

According to Statista (February 2018), ranked by the share of total page views, Chrome is the most popular web browser while Firefox accounts for less than 5 percent and Edge is less than 2 percent.

Contradicting the tweet, a Google spokesperson replied that there’s no such disparity on the browsers and the overall YouTube performance is the same since the site redesign. Google added that they recently fixed a bug to help improve Firefox performance.

To make your websites load faster or learn more, call OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. Call OgreLogic at 512-808-5536 for digital marketing services that generate revenue in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Website Development Texas

Prefer ‘saying it’ over ‘typing it’?

LinkedIn voice messaging feature

While LinkedIn’s blog says, “Whether you’re responding while walking or multitasking, or need to give an in-depth explanation, voice messages let you more easily and quickly communicate in your own voice with your connections”, to most people it came as a bizarre move!

The feature, however, is incredibly easy to use. Users can record voice messages (of up to one minute) simply by tapping the microphone icon on the messaging keyboard and holding the microphone in the circle. Releasing the microphone icon sends the message while sliding the finger away from the microphone icon while holding it down cancels them.

Zack Hendlin, LinkedIn’s Senior Product Manager, explains why LinkedIn Voice Messaging is a great idea –

  • People speak faster than they type. This means voice messages are good if you want to explain complex ideas.
  • Speaking is easier than typing when you are on the move. You do not have to stop to record a voice message as opposed to typing.
  • A voice message is better than a phone call because it allows recipients to respond when they have a free moment.
  • A message in your own voice allows a more personal connection and effective communication. Your tone and personality are reflected in a voice message but may get lost in translation in written communications.

That said, we are not sure if voice messages are useful for LinkedIn users. On LinkedIn, you don’t have ‘friends’ or ‘followers’, you have ‘connections’. You wouldn’t call up people you don’t know to discuss potential employment, you would rather send that person an email, wouldn’t you?

If you are looking for innovative digital marketing solutions to develop a trustworthy reputation with a target audience, get in touch with OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. Call OgreLogic at 512-808-5536 for digital marketing services that generate revenue in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Influencer Marketing

Why do Top Brands Invest Heavily in Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing campaigns are the fastest growing thing in digital marketing. Brands are investing heavily in influencer marketing for its incredible benefits, such as follower engagement, traffic, and more authentic content.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing utilizes an existing community of engaged followers on social media, who have influence over an audience or a niche you might be trying to reach and can prove helpful marketing to those buyers.

Do not confuse influencer marketing with celebrity endorsements. While the latter are simply brands hiring celebrities to sell their product or service, influencers’ endorsement of a brand is trusted as more valuable content. Influencers are seen as being selective about the partnering with brands that reflect their unique persona.

To help you understand how brands are using influencer marketing, here is a list of ten great influencer-driven campaigns.

Subaru’s “Meet an Owner

If you wanted to learn more about a car to buy, the best way probably is to talk to an existing owner. That’s exactly what Subaru did with its 2017 Impreza compact. The company knew that the buyers for the new car will be millennials. Since it is known that millennials rely heavily on third-party reviews and word-of-mouth when making a purchase, Subaru connected potential buyers with loyal Subaru owners who loved their cars.

As an influencer marketing campaign, influencers like magician Zach King (@zachking), artist Jay Nelson (@jay) and stuntman Devin Graham (@devinsupertramp), shared videos and posts featuring Subaru.

Since the brand was positioned around the idea of adventure, these bold, adventurous influencers were perfect to engage people with similar interest in pushing forward into new frontiers.

But do not forget that Subaru remained in the background while each of the influencers retained their own style for the videos and posts they contributed. This style of marketing looks more authentic than coming from the brand itself.

Fenty Beauty by Rihanna

Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty arrived in September 2017, right with the NY Fashion week. The makeup line launch came just at the right time with a breathtaking range of shades for women of color.

The marketing campaign used a celebrity like Rihanna as an influencer to reach specific target audiences across social media. Rihanna (@badgirlriri) influenced other major beauty bloggers and influencers, such as @themsdebdeb@acondria and @kyliejenner which created a stupendous interest in makeup and inclusion.

Sprint #LiveUnlimited

Sprint collaborated with actors, musicians and entrepreneurs to get the eyeballs of a massive young audience.

Sprint’s influencer campaign #LiveUnlimited features influencers like Lele Pons (@lelepons), Prince Royce (@princeroyce), Gerard Adams (@gerardadams), and Rachel Cook (@rachelc00k). Their massive social media presence allows Sprint to instantly connect with their audience since these influencers naturally embody the appearance and lifestyle of #LiveUnlimited.

If you are looking for innovative digital marketing campaign or a customized digital marketing plan, to develop a trustworthy reputation with a target audience, get in touch with OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. Call OgreLogic at 512-808-5536 for digital marketing services that generate revenue in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Digital Marketing

How VR Can Help With Digital Marketing?

Virtual reality is new in the market and combining it with digital marketing can turn out to be unique and pique the interest of your potential customers. So how do you use virtual reality in digital marketing?

  • With virtual reality, you can create a 360 degree video. Videos are one of the easiest ways incorporate VR technology.
  • Develop a VR app and promote branded content. A VR app that offers quality content will make you stand out and make you appear innovative when compared to your competitors.
  • Develop a VR game. Promote your brand with small VR games that encourages people to play games in order to avail discounts, coupons or points.
  • With the powerful VR technology, you can combine it with 4D to take you customers to a different location without leaving their home.
Happy Anniversary OgreLogic

Ogrelogic Solutions Celebrates the Successful Completion of Three Years

It is a proud moment for us as Ogrelogic Solutions marks the 3rd anniversary on 29th June 2018. We have come a long way since we started as a three members team. Today, Ogrelogic Solutions is a solid team of more than 75 employees. Along with the celebrations, the cofounders of Ogrelogic Solutions, Mr. Manan Vashisht and Mr. Gaurav Sharma share how the company met new milestones, came across unexpected obstacles and the future vision of Ogrelogic Solutions.

Ogrelogic Solutions was started on 29th June 2015 and today the company has grown to set up its new offices in many countries including USA, and India. “The company started as a simple digital marketing agency and is now moving into the zone of IT consultancy”, stated CEO, Manan Vashisht. He also added, “Ogrelogic Solutions started with the low hanging food of digital marketing, SEO, SMO, web development, mobile applications, and web app. In 2018-2019, we are looking at getting into detailed IT consulting and software development company”.


The biggest challenge that Ogrelogic Solutions had to face was the human resource. At first, we believed this would not be a challenge but overcame it by implementing certain trends.

We Are Unique!

Ogrelogic Solutions is also among the first few companies that registered the company in the US first and then registered the company in India. We brought the concept of “Train the Trainer”, which has been helping new employees to be trained extensively. We always believed that more than sales, retention is important. We put our focus on the delivery part, retention part, and the customer satisfaction part to help us become what we are today and it still remains our key focus. We actively put our focus on ensuring every employee’s growth path in the company. CEO, Manan Vashisht stated, “Every single person in the company for me is a profit unit”. We are also very keen on rewarding and recognizing talented and hardworking individuals. Unlike other companies, when we even promote individuals in 3 months and 6 months based on their talent, maturity, growth prospects, and when the employee brings a lot of revenue. We are also focused on giving our Ogres international exposure and introduce them to other parts of the world.

Ogrelogic Solutions Believes in Youth

We believe in youth, they are young, rearing to go, dynamic, want to develop an identity for themselves. “The ideology behind hiring youths is very simple, we want to train them, they are fresh, educated, have their own ideas, today’s youths believe in the power of social media, and they believe in the power of communication”, explained CEO Manan Vashisht. We keep looking for talented kids and go to different colleges across the country and offer them jobs with handsome salaries.

The Strategy for The Year 2018-2019

We want to work as a dedicated resource management company and get into more technologies”, said CEO Manan Vashisht. Ogrelogic Solutions aims to double up the number of employees and double up the revenues. The company has been successful in doing business in countries such as USA, Canada, and Australia. Now we are looking forward to exposing ourselves to other parts of the world. We are also actively working on our KRA management, SLA management, we are trying to build up the software for our own selves among which one of them is the HR software. The next thing that we are focused on is getting into the products market. We also want to build products for our own self. We want to tap into the healthcare business, financial business, and human resource business in the year 2018-2019.

Website Development

Google to Remove ‘Secure’ Labels on HTTPS Sites from September, 2018

Chrome is the world’s popular browser, thanks to the frequent security and stability updates that Google keeps launching for its application. If you are a consistent Chrome user, you must have noticed how Google indicates HTTP and HTTPS sites as secure and not secure. However, with the release of Chrome build 69 in September, 2018, Google will stop labeling HTTPS sites as ‘secure’. Google believes that this should be the default state for secure HTTPS websites. From September, 2018, Google will begin marking HTTP sites with a ‘not secure’ label when you enter data on HTTP sites.

If you are not aware, more than half the internet today uses HTTPS protocol. The HTTPS protocol encrypts data in transit and this secure connection prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and keeps your data safe from prying eyes.

secure Label

With the release of Chrome 70 in September, 2018, Google will take another step towards changing this grey ‘not secure’ label to red in color. However, the label will only change to red color when you begin entering data on the HTTP page.

Best Practices or Back to the Basics

Facebook – Best Practices or Back to the Basics?

Despite recent controversies, Facebook continues to be one of the most valuable social media resources, worth leveraging for many more years.

Facebook marketing has come a long way. Facebook marketers are constantly being challenged to increase followers, engage potential buyers, generate leads, and ensure that the business benefits from this platform, in the wake of all the algorithm changes and other surprises Facebook continues to tease us with.

Is there a formula to succeed on Facebook?

We need to get back to basics to answer this question. Here is a look at the best practices, your business needs to master on Facebook, to help you create the right strategy and marketing approach.

Know Your Audience Demographic

Facebook insights can help you understand your audience demographic. You can then build content and advertising for the ones, most likely to engage with and benefit from your product or service.


Not only engaging, but keeping your audience’s attention is vital. ‘Keep it Short and Sweet’  is the mantra here. Remember that your Facebook content is to educate, inform and entertain your audience to increase brand engagement and conversions. Rather than maxing out on the character limit, let the images and videos do the talking. Keep the hashtags at bay.


Whether you are posting some content or responding to a customer, you should be able to engage them with what you say. Ask open-ended questions, post fun live videos about trending topics, and let your audience know you are there. Be social yet precise on social media.

Dare to Show

The audience is not interested in run-of-the-mill content now. Taking chances on social is the approach, leading brands are making, to differentiate themselves. Giving users a sneak peek, into what your business is all about, humanizes their online interaction with with your brand. This can kindle intrigue and hence, their interest in your brand, for instance, live chats and behind-the-scenes moments exclusive to your brand.

Paid Advertising

Despite all the changes Facebook is making, paid advertising continues to a highly advantageous as well as measurable forms of digital marketing. As of the fourth quarter of 2017, Facebook had 2.2 billion monthly active users. One can only imagine the chances it gives you to develop brand awareness and loyalty and awareness, leading to customer acquisition and conversions.

All this points to a clear Facebook success formula – know your audience, keep your message short and sweet, engage your audience, experiment with going live and behind-the-scenes streaming, and Facebook Ads – that allows you utilize the immense power of Facebook.

Use these best practices to create and post content that your target audience can connect with on a more personal level than ever before.

If you are looking for the best digital marketing services in Arkansas, get in touch with OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. Call OgreLogic at 512-808-5536 for digital marketing services that generate revenue in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Beyond the Google Ranking

Beyond the Google Ranking

Until recently, you spoke of marketing and SEO and the first thing to be discussed was keyword rankings – the important performance metric.

Rewind 5 or 6 years and there was so much more information most searched keywords. This information was readily and transparently available in Google Analytics. The Google Keyword Tool provided quite accurate search volume estimates.

Then things started changing….

First came the encrypted search and the dreaded ‘not provided’ in Google Analytics, making it tougher to measure the impact from organic search.

Next up was Google’s move to show estimates in broad ranges. So now, you only know that a keyword was being searched between 1k-10k times per month rather than 1,400 times each month.

Not quite helpful, is it?

As a result, marketers were forced to shift their search strategy from a focus on individual keywords to focusing on topic-centric content.

Why Keyword Rankings are Inaccurate?

There are three primary reasons why keyword ranking data is largely inaccurate.

Personalized Search Results

Google shows a user results that are personalized that user’s search history. So, if I have been looking at the Tesla website for some time and I query ‘electric cars’, there is a high likelihood of Tesla featuring near the top. But this wouldn’t be true for everyone searching for ‘electric cars’. This means there is no website that actually ranks #1!

Device and Location

Google also moved from generic results to results specific to the user’s device and location.

For example, when you look up ‘Austin restaurants’, Google can see which device you’ve searched from and where you’re searching from.

Now you know why strong keyword rankings may not necessarily bring increased organic traffic or revenue.

If keyword rankings are your North Star, you may be traveling in the completely wrong direction.

If you are only obsessed with tracking each page against a ranking goal, you are missing a lot value that your content is bringing otherwise. For example, if you’ve posted a research report to drive backlinks or social traffic, it may not rank for much itself. Thus, using keyword rankings as the success of your content could be completely inaccurate.

To take care of such issues, we have to modify our approach to measuring content. Rather than analyzing the performance of content, page-by-page, it makes more sense to look at the performance of content at the topic level.

If your primary goals are organic search traffic and conversions, you can group your content into clusters to gain visibility for any searches related to a given topic. And you look at the collective performance of these groups of webpages instead of simply the performance of individual pages. This can also help you understand which topics tend to drive more traffic growth and which topics tend to convert traffic at a higher rate.

This can provide clearer insights on what you should focus on, without obsessing over individual keyword rankings.

Are Keyword Rankings Obsolete?

This is not to say that keyword rankings are completely obsolete or dead!

Keyword data can prove useful for identifying any SEO problems that happen to your site, and also to look into the intent behind certain types of searches.

The bottom line is, as a marketer you should be aware that the data related to keywords is not 100% accurate. While it can be ‘a’ metric, it should never be ‘the primary’ performance metric.

If you are looking for a customized digital marketing plan, to develop a trustworthy reputation with a target audience, get in touch with OgreLogic, the best digital marketing agency in Austin, Texas. Call OgreLogic at 512-808-5536 for digital marketing services that generate revenue in the most cost-effective manner possible.

video marketing

The Ultimate 5-Step guide To Use Facebook Live As A Video Marketing Tool

Facebook Live allows anyone to broadcast live videos from their mobile directly to Facebook news feed. And with that, Facebook has handed marketers another great tool to communicate with the customers.

To make effective use of this simple yet awesome tool, there are a few things marketers need to consider so that they can engage the followers and customers better. We are sure, by now, you know how to broadcast on Facebook Live. The feature allows you not only to broadcast a video live but also allow followers to replay it later; you can block and unblock users, and more.

The real question is how to analyze the performance if your video. Facebook lets you analyze –

  • Peak live Viewers
  • Minutes Viewed
  • Video views
  • 10-second views
  • Unique viewers
  • Average percentage completion
  • People reached
  • Reactions, comments, shares

Each of these metrics can be further explored to see how it changed over time, represented graphically.

How to make the most of this amazing tool is what marketers are trying to figure out and strategies are evolving as we go. Here are a few quick tips from the video production team at OgreLogic, one of the top digital marketing companies in Austin.

Keep Telling ‘EM Who You Are

Just as you introduce yourself in the beginning, don’t forget do so in the middle and other times during the broadcast. This is for the benefit of viewers who may keep joining later as they spot you in their news feed. That makes it important to reintroduce yourself and the purpose behind the broadcast.

Testing… One, Two, Three…

If you are new to Facebook Live, test your live video with “only me” in the privacy settings.

Keep Them Hooked

Since the videos in the news feed autoplay but in stay muted unless turned on, it is absolutely important that your video catches the attention of the viewers visually, right from the beginning. At the same time, remember that people will keep joining as they find you in the news feed. So the engagement has to be kept high throughout the video.

There is another interesting fact not many people know about Facebook Live. Facebook now has algorithms to track when viewers turn the audio on, when they turn to full screen and more. This makes more engaging videos rank higher up in news feeds.

The best way to engage with your audience is to call out their names. Since you can see who is commenting, in real time, you could address them by name and that really scores high with the viewers. You could answer their questions or share if someone made a joke.

Unstructured Is Cool

Since Facebook is not a formal platform, it is okay to let your hair down and let the video flow spontaneously, say experts at OgreLogic, the reputed video marketing agency in Austin. That is, in fact, the edge you get with Facebook Live as compared to recorded videos and that is what keeps the viewers glued to the screen.

Like And Share

Ensuring that viewers like and share your video is the most important part of the activity. Since viewers are with you, you could ask them to like and share a couple of time throughout the video.

As social media sites come up with more ideas like Facebook Live, the applications are limited only to the imagination of the marketer. Be innovative, don’t be afraid to experiment a little and embrace the platform you are using.

To know more on how to make the most of video marketing for your brand or to talk to an expert, visit one of the leading video marketing agencies in Austin at

Mobile App Development

5 Steps To choose The Best Mobile App Development Company

There are apps and there are apps. So how do you make sure that the company you choose to get your app developed from is a good one? Here are some tips to choose the right mobile app development company.

Know What You Want

Yes, it may sound obvious, but not many businesses set out with a clear understanding of what they exactly want the mobile app to do. Understanding your own requirement would certainly help you narrow down your mobile app development company search. Do you want an iOS, Android or Windows App;Native app or Hybrid app? Who are the users going to be? Who are you targeting? Answering such questions will help you be more specific and closer to getting the app developed.

Check The Company’s Portfolio

Find out how long the company has been developing mobile apps? Have a look at their portfolio. Have the mobile app development company you been considering experienced in the kind of application that you want to develop. The previous work will give you a glimpse into the company’s skill and experience.

Check Transparency

Check whether the mobile app development company is open enough to share constant communication regarding your app. There should be a continuous feedback loop and a system in place for the client to be able to communicate with the company properly.

The company should be prompt and transparent in their communication. There should be a mutually agreed upon policy to communicate through mails, Skype, phones or in-person meetings.

Check Cost Effectiveness

Building within your budget is important but that doesn’t mean you grab the cheapest offer available. Lay emphasis on a high quality app that would fit within your budget. Too-good-to-be-true may actually be untrue.

Is The Company As Excited As You About The New App

An enthusiastic team is a sign that they would actually treat the entire project as their own. Some companies are willing to create a prototype before building the actual product. Some companies would offer you add-on services that are not part of the standard package. Decide on terms about what happens if they not deliver on or before the deadline.

At OgreLogic, our comprehensive app development abilities are well-versed in designing and supporting apps across various mobile platforms. Continuous support ensures your app stay up to date and best in class.

To know more about one of the best mobile app development companies, visit